2020 Her Digital Avatar
2020 is hopeless, dive in the digital world with me.
- Qianhui Yu

'2020 Her digital Avatar' is my personal art project I am working on sometimes, I see it as a self identity project, the look of avatar changes regularly influenced by my personal status, it is a reflection of my current feeling. I will updating the whole transformation here.
It contained the sustainable materials, nature elements and fashion makeup, I will continue u pdating my avatar when I have time.
Update from July 2020:
I am addicted to the future materials(plastic, silicon etc.), textures and makeup videos recently, so I continue developing my character.
News & Reviews
World Illustration Awards 2021 Longlist
NKB Presents // CREATIVE CODE VISUAL ART SHOWCASE // Virtual Video Art Exhibit
Pattens Prints

Self-Gazing (2020)
Self Gazing’ is one of my personal art projects. After the world shifted faster than we could imagine, I realized I should look into myself more than ever.

Simulating swipe filter on her face

Other Character:

Her Avatar X Artist Commission